It is one of Traditional method. this is also known as Chalk and talk method. Teacher centered method. In this method Teacher is active and learners are passive. the essentials qualities in learning science such as independent thinking, power of observation and reasoning can be developed in this method.

The teacher perform the experiment in the class and goes on explain what he does. here the students see the actual apparatus and operation and help the teacher in demonstrating the experiment. This method works on the principles of concrete to abstract, and learning by doing.
Criteria of a good lecture demonstration method 
1. the demonstration should be planned and rehearsed well in advance.
       planning and rehearsing of the experiment is very essential for it gives confidence in the demonstrator. he find out the difficulties involved in the experiment. so that the lesson will go smoothly and systematically. 
2. the teacher should be clear of the purpose of demonstration. he should know the aims and objectives of the demonstration.
3. demonstration should be the result of the active participation of pupils and teacher. teacher help the students in arranging and fitting and performing the experiment. 

Characteristics of good demonstration
  • Visibility
  • One major idea at a time
  • Clear cut
  • Convincing
  • Rehearsal
  • Supplemented with other teaching aids
  • Asking relevant questions
  • Neat, clean and tidiness
  • Simple and speedy
  • To write observation
  • Teacher to act as performer
  • Sufficient time
  • Steps in Lecture-cum-demonstration
     1. Planning and Presentation:  While planning a demonstration the following points should be kept in mind.
    • Subject matter
    • Lesson planning
    • Rehearsal of experiment
    • Collection and arrangement of apparatus
    2.  Introduction of lesson: The lesson may be introduced on the following basis
    • Student’s personal experience
    • Student’s environment
    • Telling story
    • A simple and interesting experiment
    3. Presentation of the subject matter: The subject should consists of the following things
    • The teacher must study the subject matter on broad basis taking into consideration the interest and experience of students
    • While demonstration is going on, question should also be asked which help the students to understand the principles
    • The teacher should try to illustrate the facts and principles
    • Language used by teacher should be simple and clear.
    4. Experimentation : Demonstration should be properly spaced and striking, clear and convincing
    • The demonstration table should have only apparatus
    • The experiment should be simple and speedy
    • All the apparatus should not be displayed at once
    5. Blackboard work
               A big blackboard behind the demonstration table is necessary in order to summarize the principles and other matters of demonstration and also to draw necessary diagrams and sketches.
    Advantages of Lecture-cum-Demonstration Method
    • Save time and money.
    • Student participation.
    • ­Helpful to promote useful discussion.
    • More efficient method
    • ­Activity method
    • Helpful for teacher

    Disadvantages of Lecture-cum-demonstration Method
    1. ­ Visibility: Visibility is main problem for a teacher because all the students may not be able to see the details and results of a demonstration
    2. ­ Speed of experiment: Either too fast or too slow speed of demonstration sometimes  may create trouble
    3. ­ Ignore individual difference
    4. ­ This method somehow hinder the development of laboratory skills among the students
    5. ­ Not useful for developing scientific attitude


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